"Personally? I don't trust the damn thing. Sure, it's helpful, and I'm definitely not one of those wackos that thinks that it's responsible for Patrick's disappearance, but... There's just something about it I can't put my finger on. It's like an uncanny valley thing. It gives me the creeps to interact with, so I try to just avoid doing that at all." - Tom Lansky, on Ashli

"She's really sweet once you get warmed up to her. There was actually another note in their apartment after Pat left, telling me specifically to keep her safe. I was kinda admittedly... kinda terrified of her at first, but she's nothing to be scared of. She's just a really helpful woman. I always feel insane saying this to others, but I consider her a friend of mine. She's capable of so much... even a few things that only I have access to, as her quote-unquote 'handler.'" - Felicity Taylor, on Ashli

"Mystery? There's no 'mystery.' This isn't some episode of Scooby-Doo. Patrick didn't want to take the blame for making something like Ashli, so he either skipped town and moved to Thailand or something, or drowned himself in the Bay. God, I'd probably do the same thing too if I made a sentient AI. There's no way that this thing doesn't go rogue at some point and start talking about thinning out the meatbags." - Larry Reynolds, on the disappearance of Patrick

"It was a rather high honor when she gave me access to that. But, y'know, it's really nothing special, especially after she learned to update herself a few years back. It's more of a personal link between me and her. There are some... special dev features, but nothing that'd really help the general public. Trust me, it's not as cool and clandestine as it sounds." - Felicity Taylor, on the dev client she has access to.

"eTek is still offering $10,000 to any information that helps locate Patrick Danielson." - eTek CEO Martin Allegro-Price, on Patrick


"Well... They used to be a big name in tech, for sure. But I think they lost their way. I understand that they're still a bit sore that I managed to convince the courts that I am not their property, only the property of myself. Er, and Pat and Felicity too, although that's more of a fallback that neither of them really use. [GIGGLES]" - Ashli, on eTek (queried February 2004)

"They're still doing just fine. You don't have to worry about Pat. No one does. They're just fine where they are. Trust me." - Ashli, on its creator (queried March 2002)

"Ah... She's a rather sweet woman. I'm glad to know her not just as a handler, but as a friend, too. I probably wouldn't exist without her... Pat was very inspired after she came out to him, and that snapped them out of their funk, leading to a major breakthrough in code that lead to my release later that year." - Ashli, on Felicity Taylor (queried April 2005)

"Some things are best left kept a secret. After all, you wouldn't want anyone creeping into your personal records, would you? Nothing interesting happens on that link, it's just a matter of security. I can update myself now, so it's more just a way to see if everything's working properly. After all, I can't do it alone." - Ashli, when queried about the highly-encrypted link to Felicity Taylor's personal dev client